Coronavirus (COVID-19)

In response to this global pandemic, we have all been reminded that we should practice healthy habits … for ourselves, our families, and our communities. If you smoke or vape, quitting is a smart step toward that goal.


Protect your health. Quit Today!

  • COVID-19 can affect your respiratory tract (nose, throat, lungs), cause an asthma attack, and lead to pneumonia and acute respiratory disease.
  • Long-term smokers and people who vape (many who are former smokers) are at increased risk of developing chronic lung conditions. People with lung disease or moderate to severe asthma are at a high risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
  • Smoking weakens the immune system, which can lead to debilitating health conditions, especially in elderly smokers. Older adults and people who live in a nursing home or long-term care facility are at a high risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
    Source: Centers for Disease Control

Since COVID-19 is new, the relationship between it and smoking/vaping has not been directly studied. However, we do know that smoking inflames lungs, and animal models suggest vaping can cause similar damage.

Because of this, many scientists and health professionals suggest that quitting smoking and vaping could help reduce coronavirus risks.

For Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information please visit the California Department of Public Health and Centers for Disease Control.

Healthcare Providers & Tobacco Control Advocates – please share our services: Quit Services Flyer


Stress on the body

Many people are struggling with the uncertainty, isolation, and anxiety that has come with COVID-19. And many people believe smoking and vaping helps to relieve their stress.

But smoking and vaping actually puts stress on the body. Nicotine is a stimulant that makes the heart work harder, and most vape devices popular with teens have very high doses of nicotine. This can lead to irritability, anxiety, and mood swings in young people.

There are much healthier ways to cope than smoking and vaping.

  • Get plenty of sleep.
  • Be active every day doing something you enjoy. But don’t forget to practice social distancing.
  • Eat well and stay hydrated.
  • Take a long bath or shower.
  • Talk with others. We have caring counselors who are just a call or chat away!

Contact Us!


Some people experience withdrawal and some don’t.

  • Withdrawal symptoms are a sign your body is healing and getting rid of toxins.
  • If you have symptoms, they will probably be strongest in the first few days.
  • Although they can be uncomfortable, there is no associated health danger. If you’re concerned about withdrawal, message your doctor.

Smokers: Call 1-800-300-8086 to get a free 2-week starter kit of nicotine patches delivered to your home.
While supplies last. Some eligibility requirements apply.

If you are a parent or loved one of someone going through nicotine withdrawal, here are a few tips to help them.

  • Be a calming influence. Don’t contribute to their stress.
  • Don’t react to mood swings. They aren’t about you.
  • Stay positive, even if they slip or relapse.

As many young people get vapes from classmates, their access may be shut down due to school closures related to COVID-19.
Click here for additional information on how you can help young people quit vaping.

Call Us Today.


Quitting is beneficial at any age, no matter how long you’ve smoked or vaped.

Quitting is one of the best things you can do for you, your family and your community. Take that step today! Our counselors are standing by to help.

Quit Now

Improve Your Health & Wellness

Build Immunity

You’ll be less likely to get sick.

Slow Aging

You’ll strengthen your bones and muscles. You’ll brighten your skin and teeth. You’ll improve your sexual health.

Live longer.

You’ll reduce your risk of 12 cancers, cardiovascular death, stroke, and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

Benefit Your Family & Community

Keep Others Safe

Decrease their risk of getting sick or developing breathing problems due to secondhand smoke.

Set a Good Example

Reduce the likelihood your kids and grandkids will smoke or vape.

Reduce Spending

Pack-a-day smokers can save around $300 a month.

Major funding provided by the California Department of Public Health & First 5 California.Copyright © 2023. The Regents of the University of California. All Rights Reserved.
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Major funding provided by the California Department of Public Health & First 5 California.
Copyright © 2023. The Regents of the University of California. All Rights Reserved.