Welcome to the Kick It California Data Dashboard

This dashboard allows you to view and download KIC phone, text, chat, mobile app and video data. There are two main ways to access the data.

Dashboard Frequently Asked Questions.

What is the best way to view the Data Dashboard?


A fullscreen tablet or desktop window is the best way to view the dashboard. The dashboard does not display correctly on a mobile phone. 

How often is the Data Dashboard updated?


The dashboard is updated monthly.  

Why does my data look a little different this month from last month?


Minor changes may occur with each monthly update due to client modifications or updates in our processes. If you see significant changes in data, please email cshoutreach@health.ucsd.edu.  

How is the data collected?


Phone coaching service data is self-reported data collected from clients via the enrollment form they can complete online or over the phone. Not all clients answer every question.

Text enrollment is a count of unique users that text an enrollment phrase (i.e. Quit Smoking) to 66819. 

Chat Enrollment is a count of unique users that engage in a Chat session with a Quit Coach.

Mobile App Installs is a count of devices that install the mobile app.

Quit Vids Views is a total view count of all Quit Vids on YouTube and the KIC website.   

What services are included in this data?


As KIC’s most intensive intervention, phone coaching reporting is the most robust as we collect the most amount of data. Phone service data can be filtered by county.  

We include utilization data for the other modalities (chat, text, mobile app, and Quit Vids). The other modalities collect minimal data to keep the barrier to utilization low. 

What’s the difference between “Enrollment” and “Received Coaching”?


Enrollment reports the number of unique individuals who complete the Kick It California enrollment form via the phone or web. Received Coaching reports the number of enrolled clients who complete at least one coaching call to quit tobacco/nicotine. Listen to these sample enrollment and coaching calls to hear how we help people quit.

Why is my county not showing up?


If there is no enrollment data for your county for the period of time you selected, it will not display as an option in the dropdown filter bar.

For “Gender Identity”, is there additional data regarding the variable "In another way/Other"?


When a client identifies as “In another way/Other,” they are asked how they identify and their response is recorded. In another way/Other category accounts for a small percentage of the total, therefore, a breakdown of each identity named is very small and not reported in the data dashboard.

Additional Questions?

For older reports, please contact us at cshoutreach@health.ucsd.edu with the reporting period you are seeking.

Major funding provided by the California Department of Public Health & First 5 California.Copyright © 2023. The Regents of the University of California. All Rights Reserved.
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Major funding provided by the California Department of Public Health & First 5 California.
Copyright © 2023. The Regents of the University of California. All Rights Reserved.